

January 2012 Daring Bakers' Challenge: Scones, aka Biscuits

Its time for the Daring Bakers' Challenge again! Last month you probably noticed I didn't post a Daring Bakers' challenge... I participated, but my attempt was such an epic fail that I couldn't bring myself to try again. Last months' challenge was to make sourdough bread - like real sourdough where you make your own starter to rise the bread without yeast. Mine bubbled away for a couple days on the counter, then the temperature dropped a lot one night and the house got too cold... I tried to revive it the next day, but it was not meant to be. My poor starter died!! Thus, no December 2011 challenge for me!
Oh well, this is a new month and something very familiar to me - scones, aka biscuits. I've made biscuits and scones many, many times using many different recipes. My standby recipe is still my baking powder biscuit recipe out of my (mom's) Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. These biscuits raise up mile high and always receive rave reviews whenever I serve them to guests. I have to say that the challenge recipe doesn't quite live up to my baking powder biscuit recipe, but its a pretty close second! It was fun to experiment with something new.

Blog Checking Lines: Audax Artifex was our January 2012 Daring Bakers' host. Aud worked tirelessly to master light and fluffy scones (aka biscuits) to help us create delicious and perfect batches in our own kitchens.

I've posted some pictures of the scones I made with Audax's recipe. They turned out well, but they weren't quite as good as my ultimate biscuit recipe (check back in February for a post with my ultimate biscuit recipe). Check out the Daring Kitchen website for the recipe or to join in with these great monthly challenges. You can further your baking skills in a constructive and supportive community of fellow bakers!!

One thing I found interesting was mixing up a batch of biscuits by hand. I never make my biscuits by hand - I always use my food processor. Thats where I get the best results! But do try whatever works for you.

Lastly, I grew up eating baking powder biscuits - my mom always made them for us, so they are a type of comfort food for my sister and I. I'm not sure if this is a Canadian tradition or just a family tradition, but we always served our biscuits warm, with some salted butter and drizzled with Roger's Golden Syrup. Mmmmm! Delicious. :)

In addition to checking out Aud's recipe, do check out the biscuit and scone recipe roundup I've posted below - these are some of my favorite biscuits and scones from previous blog posts I've done.

Blueberry & Lime Scones
Cranberry Oat Scones
Chocolate Scones
Banana Biscuits
Savory Scones
Almond Apricot Scones

Happy Baking Friends! Thanks for stopping by. :)


  1. Your biscuits look great! I have fallen off the Daring Baker's bandwagon. No excuse really ... just been lazy lately. I must get back to it. It really is a great way to try new things (although the last few months haven't tempted me as much, since I bake bread and biscuits all the time). Hope you're having a good winter. Strangely mild here in central Ontario!

  2. I love your scones. Beautiful Job!

  3. These look lovely! I've often made food processor scones too, so doing them by hand was really interesting.

  4. You got some great layers in your biscuits! And my family always had ours with butter and honey for a sweet treat.

  5. Thanks everyone. They were very soft biscuits with distinctive layers though out. :)

  6. @Jen - thanks for stopping by! I have been tempted not to participate in the last few challenges just because they don't really seem to be the thing i signed up for the DB challenges for... that is show stopping, labour intensive desserts that i NEVER would have made otherwise. We have had a nice winter - though the last couple of weeks have been very cold (by Vancouver standards) - about minus 8 - 10 celcius. A little shocking when you're not used to it! But its warming up here again so hopefully no more shockingly cold weather. :)

  7. What lovely layers you got! Great job!

  8. Thanks Renata! They tasted delicious. :)

  9. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the challenge so much and that you had a good time doing the recipe and your scone do look great nice rise and great layering. Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.

  10. Wow, these biscuits are really yummy, thank you Erin...

  11. I'm so sorry your SD starter didn't cooperate last month, but boy did you make up for it this month! Your biscuits look amazing, and to serve them with butter and golden syrup is simply dreamy!
