

No Bake White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies for SRC

Time for Secret Recipe Club again! This month seems to have been another busy month, even though I have been expecting life to just slow down a bit. No such luck though!! This is one of those months I wish I would have had more spare time because the blog I was assigned, Veronica's Cornucopia is such a great blog! There were so many great recipes and so many creative ideas. I will definitely be visiting again in a month I have more time to experiment, because there were a lot of great looking recipes to try. Go have a look around for yourself - I'll still be here when you come back. :)

I didn't really go too crazy due to my lack of time, but I was super impressed with how quick, easy and delicious the recipe I selected was! I made Veronica's Cow Pie Cookies - but changed them up to be made with white chocolate and peanut butter because that's what I had on hand!

White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies
Recipe adapted from Veronica's Cornucopia

  • 12 oz white chocolate
  • 4 tbsp peanut butter
  • 2/3 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • chopped marshmallows (I used about 1/2 - 1 cup)
  1. Melt the white chocolate and peanut butter on low heat in the microwave. Stir until smooth. Stir in the oats, coconut and marshmallows. Drop by spoonfuls onto parchment paper. Let set at room temperature until firm - approximately 1 hour. Enjoy!
Yep! Thats it - easy, and delicious. Veronica says you can mix in whatever you want! I think next time I make these I'll mix in pretzels for that sweet and salty combo that I can't get enough of.

Thanks for stopping by - Happy Baking my Friends!


  1. These look so easy and SOOOOOOO good! I'm keeping this to make soon. Actually, it's easy enough for the kids to make. Love the idea of using pretzels for a sweet and salty combo!

  2. These look fantastic. I love that salty flavor also, so the pretzels would be perfect. Great choice!
    I had your blog this month, and I made your delicious Potato Buns! They were so good. Thanks for a great recipe!

  3. What a simple yet so tasty recipe! I would have a hard time just eating one. Great SRC pick!

  4. They actually make a version of this in our cafeteria with cornflakes and they are sooo good!

  5. I love Veronica's blog, she's such a dear. I think adding pretzel's is a brilliant idea! I'm so stealing that idea.

  6. I totally understand not having enough time when it come to picking a SRC recipe to make-I've had to pick lots of easy ones myself! But that's OK, it's still fun. :) I like your idea of adding pretzels with this as I'm a sweet and salty fan myself. Your cookies look great! Sorry it took me so long to make it over here, I usually go on the prowl right away to hunt down who had me and I've been so busy, I totally forgot until I got the "who had who" email. LOL!
