

Penne Alla Salsiccia for Secret Recipe Club

It is the start of the May Long Weekend and I'm just writing my post for Monday's Secret Recipe Club reveal. I feel like the last few months have just got away on me!! But with each month that passes, I can tell you one thing - I'm always thrilled with my assignment for Secret Recipe Club. Whether its a blog that challenges me with recipes that are out of my comfort zone, not my usual fare, or too many delicious recipes to choose from, its always fun browsing through that blog trying to pick what you're going to make! Some of my past choices for SRC have been:

Salted Caramel Filled Brownies
Quinoa & Black Bean Chili 
Birthday Cake Oreo Cookie Bark
Zucchini Carrot Cake
Pizza Bites
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzels
Lime & Blueberry Scones

All of them were absolutely delicious and so worth the effort of making. :)

This month I was assigned Cookin' with Moxie written by Jamie. Jamie is a beautiful Italian girl who absolutely loves to cook and loves to eat! Her love for cooking, particularly for cooking meals true to her Italian heritage totally shows through when you look through her blog. It was so hard to pick a recipe because I wanted to try everything!!! After looking through loads of recipes, I finally settled on Spaghetti Alla Salsiccia, for which I didn't have any spaghetti on hand, so I used penne pasta instead and it worked like a charm! Oh man was it good! My homemade pasta sauce doesn't very often end up tasting 10x better than the stuff you buy in a jar, so I usually avoid making it. But this recipe is a keeper. With a short list of easy to find ingredients, you'll be on your way to an authentic tasting pasta dish in no time at all. I made a couple of small changes to the recipe based on what I had on hand in the house, but other than that, I left the recipe as is!

Penne Alla Salsiccia
Recipe minimally adapted from Cookin' with Moxie

  • 1 lb penne
  • 2 tsp olive oil, divided
  • 1 16oz package of sliced crimini mushrooms
  • 1 lb mild italian sausage (can use mild italian flavoured turkey sausage for lower fat dish)
  • kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 3/4 cup red wine
  • 2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
  • 1 small can of tomato paste
  • 1 1/2 cups pasta water, reserved from cooking penne
  • shredded provolone to finish dish
  1. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Cook pasta until al dente according to the directions on the box. Reserve 1 1/2 cups cooking water for later. Drain pasta and set aside.
  2. While pasta is cooking, heat 1 tsp olive oil in a saute pan. Saute mushrooms over medium heat until lightly browned, about 5-8 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Stir to distribute seasonings and then remove from pan. Set aside.
  3. Add the remaining 1 tsp olive oil (I found I didn't need this as the sausage was oily enough) and saute the sausage until just about cooked through. Add the red wine and cook until reduced by half. Once the wine is reduced, add the mushrooms, worcestershire sauce and tomato paste. Cook stirring 1-2 minutes so everything gets coated.
  4. Add reserved pasta water and stir to combine. Simmer sauce uncovered, until slighly thickened 20-30 minutes. Season with additional pepper to taste.
  5. Combine pasta and sauce and stir to evenly distribute.
And as Jamie would say Tutti Mangia!

Loved my SRC assignment this month and loved the recipe I picked! Thanks Jamie for the lovely selection of recipes. :) Can't wait to try some more.

Happy Cooking my Friends!


  1. Yummy, that looks amazing, pasta is one of my very favorite dishes!

    1. Thanks so much! We love pasta in our house too and this dish will definitely make a repeat appearance. :)

  2. This recipe looks so delish! I can't thank you enough for some seriously fabulous recipes. It was so hard to pick JUST one :) Loved finding your blog through SRC!

    1. Thank you so, so much!! You are too kind. I'm thrilled that you enjoyed looking around. :) :)

  3. Oh I'm a sucker for a hearty Italian pasta dish and this one looks like it comes together so easily, a great weeknight meal to be sure.

    1. This will definitely make a great weeknight meal! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  4. This looks so easy! I'm going to have to try it soon!

    1. Definitely easy!! But it doesn't taste like it was easy and thats the best part! You could totally make this for a dinner party and everyone would think you slaved for hours. ;)

  5. It always fun to make something with a few simple ingredients and have it taste wonderful. Looks like a keeper! Great SRC pick.

  6. Penne is my fave...looks awesome! Hand me the Parmesan!

    1. Me too!! I always gravitate toward penne. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Oh this looks amazing. I'm now craving it for dinner and I'll be making it this weekend! So glad to be in the SRC club and to meet great foodie bloggers like you!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

    1. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by. :) I'll be making the rounds shortly!!!

  8. You cant go wrong with pasta. That is why italian food is so good. You picked a great recipe for SRC>

    1. So true!! Even the simplest ingredients make pasta taste divine. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. This looks like a delicious meat sauce. Your picture makes me want to jump right up and start cooking. Yummy SRC post.

  10. This looks delicious! I am looking forward to trying this sauce!

  11. this is a great pasta dish! and anything home made tastes better I think :)

  12. This looks so awesome! I love your last photo too!
    I'm definitely going to have to try this sometime soon!!

  13. Erin...what a great recipe! Like you, I don't ever make my own sauce, cuz it's never anything special. But this sauce looks so rich..I can just imagine how good it must be! Going to have to bookmark this and give this sauce a whirl! : )

  14. I am so late on commenting on SRC but I am so glad I got around to your post. This dish looks amazing. Italian sausage? I am making this!!!!!
