

Birthday Cake Oreo Cookie Bark & Zucchini Carrot Cake for SRC

Guess what? Its time for Secret Recipe Club again! And I'm super excited about my assignment this month. This month I was assigned Mom's Crazy Cooking written by Tina. Tina is amazing! I follow her blog regularly and am always in awe of the delicious recipes she makes and how frequently she posts. In addition to her crazy blogging, Tina also hosts the Crazy Cooking Challenge every month which I have recently started participating in. What fun! If you're looking for another cooking challenge to join with supportive and friendly participants, check this challenge out!!

With all of Tina's delicious recipes, I couldn't just choose one... so I made Cookie Bark and Zucchini & Carrot Cake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting. I've posted the recipe for Cookie Bark below because I adapted it slightly, but for the Zucchini & Carrot Cake I didn't change a darn thing but the presentation, so I'm going to send you over to Tina's blog for that recipe.

Birthday Cake Oreo Cookie Bark
Recipe minimally adapted from Mom's Crazy Cooking

  • 1 lb milk chocolate melting wafers
  • 1 lb white chocolate melting wafers
  • 5 birthday cake 100th anniversary oreo cookies
  • 1/3 cup mini chocolate chips
  1. Melt 1 lb milk chocolate melting wafers in the microwave, stirring at 40 second intervals until mixture is smooth. Spread into a thin layer on a piece of parchment paper. Set aside at room temperature until completely set (mine took about 15 minutes, but can take up to an hour if you live somewhere warm).
  2. Melt 1 lb white chocolate melting wafers using the same method as above. While the chocolate is melting, roughly chop the oreo cookies and set aside.
  3. Spread melted white chocolate onto milk chocolate layer and immediately sprinkle with the oreo cookies and the mini chocolate chips, pressing in lightly. Let set completely - about an hour. Then break into rough pieces to serve.
*NOTE: Don't put chocolate in the freezer to set - otherwise the top layer of chocolate won't adhere as well to the base layer and your bark will break into separate layers when you break it into pieces. Be patient and let it set at room temp!!

It makes quite a lot of bark, but it goes fast!! So if you're having a party with lots of friends, you might want to double the recipe. :)

 And here is a picture of my zucchini carrot cake with lemon cream cheese frosting - I cut out circles of cake using a round cookie cutter and then topped with an ice cream scoop of frosting. Then I finished it with a light sprinkle of icing sugar. Simple and beautiful! This would make the perfect plated dessert to wrap up a dinner party - and just between us - this is super easy to make!!

Happy Baking my Friends! Hope you'll use the  blog hop to check out what all the other Group C'ers made for this month's challenge. You might find a new blog or two to follow!! :)


  1. Love me some Oreo a bark? Even better!

  2. Two delicious recipes. I'd like that entire plate of bark please =o)

  3. OMG that bark looks like the hershey's cookies & cream bars that I was highly addicted to in high school. I couldn't get enough and I'm sure you know why after making this bark! Oh yum, this is definitely bookmarked & at the top of the must make list! Great job choosing the recipes! Both look incredible!

  4. Love your photo's (And your blog's font - so cute). Thanks for the recipes.

  5. Love both recipes. The presentation of the cake is gorgeous, and I already have plans to make the bark! Thanks

  6. Oh my goodness!! That oreo cookie bark looks positively addicting!! Fabulous!!

  7. I love both of these recipes...great choices! Now I am seriously craving carrot cake!

  8. Nothing better than cookie bark! I love your presentation of the carrot cake. What a great idea, can't wait to try it! Perfect SRC picks.

  9. Those both look fantastic!!! My kids would go insane for that bark! Just checking out the SRC entries for the month and I stumbled upon you! Can't wait to come back and look around more!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  10. Choosing one is always the hardest part about SRC. Both recipes look great. Lemon cream cheese frosting? Yes, please. Great idea for plating.

  11. These look great! The carrot cake looks so elegant and who doesn't love oreo anything??

  12. Wow, fabulous that you made two treats! I had Tina's blog last month...and you are was sooooo hard to pick one thing! They both look so scrumptious!
    : )

  13. Yummy SRC choices! Love the presentation on the carrot cake. Definitely makes me want to eat it and I don't even like carrot cake!

  14. Two're putting the rest of to shame. The oreo cookie bark looks simple, the hard part must be waiting for it to set ;) I'll have to check out the zucchini carrot recipe...I have 25 lbs of carrot to start using up!

  15. Great recipe choices - I never had bark before, but it looks delicious!

  16. I thought I commented yesterday (via my phone) - but I don't see it! So here it goes again! Thank YOU! Thank YOU! Love the recipes you made and so glad you enjoyed them too!

    (P.S. I even made a button and to point back to your blog.. come check it out. Thanks again for making a recipe from my blog)

  17. Two great recipes. I love making bark and those little cakes look great.

  18. I love bark. Putting oreos in them is genius

  19. The carrot cake is awesome enough but to add the bark just makes me want some right now!!!!
    Thanks and great post!

  20. Love your choices for this month's SRC. Carrot cake is one of my favorites and that cream cheese frosting is fantastic.
