

Pineapple "Ice Cream"

Hey Friends! How is your week going so far? Mine has been pretty busy and COLD! Yep, you heard me - friggin cold. We typically don't get much cold weather here, but tonight it is -8 celcius and I don't think I've seen temperatures that cold since last time I was up in Northern BC a few years ago. Regardless of the cold though, I'm bringing you a nice cold dessert that you can eat and still stay in line with you new years resolutions!!

 Folks - meet my version of pineapple ice cream with very little sugar and zero fat!! I add the spiced whiskey for a little extra flavour and also to keep the mixture from getting too hard in the freezer. If you're going to consume it right away, feel free to leave out the whiskey for an even healthier snack. You could also sweeten this dessert with a couple tablespoons of agave to make this treat with less sugar (other than the naturally occurring sugar in the pineapple that is).

Oh and did I mention how easy this is? Cut up your pineapple, freeze it, then combine frozen pineapple and remaining ingredients into your food processor and whirl until smooth and creamy. Ohhhhhh yes!!!

Pineapple "Ice Cream"
Recipe by Erin

  • 1 whole pineapple, cut up into bite size chunks and frozen
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3-4 tbsp spiced whiskey
  • 3 heaping tbsp non-fat greek yogurt (preferably Liberte brand)
  1. Combine ingredients in food processor. Whirl until smooth. Enjoy!

Whats the weather like where you're living? Is it cold and wintery there too? Here's to staying warm this frigid winter week and hoping for warmer weather next week!

Happy Baking my Friends!

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