

SRC: Wives With Knives Lime Blueberry Scones

Hi All!  Hope your holiday preparations are going well. In addition to my usual holiday preparations, it is also time for December's Secret Recipe Club reveal for group C! Each month members are assigned another member's blog at random to choose a recipe from and make it and then on the reveal date, we reveal the recipe we selected and the blog we were assigned. It is a fun project, although, some months I feel more like stalker than blogger! All in good fun though. :)
Photo by Cathy at Wives with Knives (used with Cathy's permission)
This month I was assigned the blog Wives with Knives. And wow!! What a fabulous blog - so many beautiful pictures and delicious sounding recipes. My only regret is that December wasn't such a busy month for me - I would have loved to try a couple of recipes each week from this lovely blog. Cathy writes this lovely blog from Oregon (which also happens to be one of mine and my hubby's favorite vacation spots). She has lovely recipes - a good mix of sweet and savory, beautiful scenic adventure posts, and lots of interesting farmers market posts as well. It is a great mix that is sure to capitivate all readers who happen to drop by - if you haven't already happened upon her blog, do so ASAP! You are bound to find all kinds of inspiration there. :)

So - sad news - I took photos of these delicious scones that I made and my computer crashed and I lost my photos. I was near tears so hubby volunteered to do some recovery procedures with my dinosaur of a lap top tomorrow to see what he can rummage up. So, please keep your fingers crossed. I've shared a picture of my friend's lovely Christmas cards that she makes (see my previous post regarding Handmade by Sabana). I will update this post with food pics if hubby can recover, or when I have a chance to reperform the recipe later this week. Apologies to those of you visual foodies!!!  **UPDATE: I received a very kind email from Cathy at Wives with Knives with an offer that I could use one of her photos in order to get into the SRC list for the month. So, thanks Cathy for being so kind to me! :) :)

**UPDATE #2: I wasn't able to recover these photos, but I did rebake the recipe and get some of my own pictures. :) These scones were definitely appreciated a second time by my family! Mine aren't as pretty as Cathy's, but they definitely tasted delicious.

Here is the lovely recipe - I've only made some minor modifications to the recipe - mainly due to what I had on hand. :) This seems like a pretty versatile recipe, so feel free to play around with it.

Lime Blueberry Scones
Recipe minimally adapted from Wives with Knives

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tsp lime zest
  • 5 tbsp butter, cold and cut into small cubes
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, thawed
  1. Preheat oven to 400 F. Sift dry ingredients into the bowl of a large food processor. Add lime zest and pulse to combine. Add butter and pulse until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Pour in the buttermilk and pulse until mixture comes together. Pour mixture out onto counter and mix in the blueberries gently, folding and refolding the dough a couple of times to gently work the berries in without mashing them. Pat the dough into a square and cut into 12 squares.
  2. Place the scones on a baking tray lined with a piece of parchment paper. Brush with a bit of buttermilk and sprinkle with some sugar. Bake 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

I hope you enjoy these scones, despite the lack of pictures. Please keep your fingers crossed for good ideas for recovery of lost pictures. Or if you have any suggestions, please feel free to pass them my way. Hoping for the best... or maybe this is just a hint telling me I need to make these again... they were pretty darn good.

Happy Reveal Day fellow group C'ers. Can't wait to check out your creations.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry about your computer crashing! I do hope that your husband can recover them. You might want to check out Photobucket. I upload my pictures there, to store them safe and sound. I'd hate to have my 400 recipes worth of photos disappear. Cathy is a friend of mine, and I LOVE her recipes. While you don't have a photo, I'm sure that these were good. I'm in Group B of the SRC. It's a lot of fun, isn't it?

  2. Hi Erin - I hope you have been able to recover your photographs. Picasa is another good place to store pictures. My computer crashed several years ago and I know how awful that is. Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog. The scone recipe you selected is a family favorite and I love to change it up the way you did. Next time I'm going to add a little lime zest instead of lemon. Happiest holiday best wishes to you and your family.

  3. I love scones and blueberries... these look divine! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

    Come link up with my linky party at The Southern Institute, if you haven't already. Each link is an entry in the Pick Your Plum giveaway! Here's the link:

    Hope to see you there!

  4. Thanks for your kind words! SRC has been a lot of fun for me, though this month was super stressful. I've started backing up my photos to an external hard drive and I'm looking into Picasa as another option. :) Happy Holidays to all of you.

  5. Your scones look so delicious! I'm in group D but love to visit the other "reveals!" Sorry about you losing your pictures. I lost a bunch myself when the motherboard on my laptop died. That's what I get for not backing up the photos ...

  6. OOOOO, blueberries and lime must be a GREAT combination! I'll be making these for sure.
