

Blog Love - Liebster Award!

Well I'm pretty excited! Teri from The Freshman Cook just awarded me the Liebster Blog award. It totally made my day to be recognized by a fellow food blogger - so thanks Teri. :)

A liebster blog award is given to an awesome blog that has under 200 followers, but is on their way to many more! Part of this award is to pass it on to five other up-and-coming bloggers that meet the above criteria. I'm passing it on to the following awesome bloggers:

  1. Lisa of Cook Lisa Cook
  2. Merut of Eating with my Mouth Open
  3. Shelley of C Mom Cook
  4. Marcellina of Marcellina in Cucina
  5. Ellie of The Bitchin' Kitchin'

I will contact each of you to let you know about your award! The rules are that you pass it along to your five favoriet , under 200 members blogs and mention and link back to the person who awarded the Liebster to you.

Congrats to all of you! Keep up the awesome blogging. :)


  1. This is an awesome idea. Thanks for the award!!

    Ellie from TBK

  2. Congratulation...
    Who will be the next getting this Liebster award?
