

Healthy Eating for Ordinary People's Roasted Chickpeas for SRC

 Whew!! Seems like every month I'm surprised when this deadline creeps up on me, but it is time for the Secret Recipe Club reveal again. You can imagine my dismay when this afternoon I got the reminder that my post had to be up tomorrow morning... whoops! Hadn't even made my dish yet. This is not to say I haven't been considering what to make because I've been browsing through Rivki's blog Healthy Eating for Ordinary People periodically since it was assigned to me. I really, really wanted to make griddle bread... but totally ran out of time today. So I quickly browsed Rivki's blog this afternoon and found this yummy recipe for Roasted Chickpeas.

I was pretty stoked to find such a delicious recipe for chickpeas on Rivki's blog! I was a little nervous about being assigned her blog at first because it looked sooooo healthy! I am not a huge fan of all veggies and there are a LOT of veggies on her blog. I was pleasantly surprised to find "normal" food on her blog! And plenty of delicious looking recipes like this Raspberry Peach Tart, Roasted Peaches, and these Lemon Mint Zucchini Pancakes to name a few!  You should definitely stop by and check it out next time you're looking for a healthy way to incorporate some fresh veggies into your diet.

 Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas
Recipe adapted from Healthy Eating for Ordinary People

  • 2 cans chickpeas
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp spicy curry dip mix (or any mixture of curry powder, cumin, coriander, a touch of cinnamon or garam masala would work too)
  • coarse salt to taste
  1. Rinse and drain chickpeas in a strainer. Spread chickpeas on a clean dish towel in a single layer. Let dry for 15 minutes, moving around periodically to ensure all sides of the chickpeas are dry.
  2. While your chickpeas are drying, preheat your oven to 400F.
  3. Once chickpeas are dry, place them in a medium bowl, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with curry spices and coarse salt. Toss to coat.
  4. Spread seasoned chickpeas in a single layer on a large baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes stirring three times during the cooking time. Chickpeas will be nicely browned and crunchy. Let cool and enjoy!
 So easy right?! And unbelievably delicious. Thanks Rivki for such a delicious and simple recipe.

If you're interested in the Secret Recipe Club, check out their webpage here! I love being a part of the Secret Recipe Club. It is such a fun way to find new blogs and experience new things. Thanks Amanda for starting up such an awesome club. :)

Happy Cooking My Friends!


  1. TOO funny! I posted a chickpea recipe today too. So glad you tried this and enjoyed it.

  2. Yum! Can't wait to try these! Thanks!

  3. I love chickpeas! I think these would be a great snack, too.

  4. Roasted chickpeas seem to be the rage with Group C today. This looks like a lovely snack to have at hand!

  5. Love this healthy snack. Awesome to be in the Secret Recipe Club with you. Here is my post from group C -

  6. They cam out great looking! Perfect for snacking - I heart chickpeas.

  7. Perfect roasted chickpeas!!
    Glad to be in Group C with you

  8. Great minds think a like and chickpeas are what the great minds had on their minds! Or it's a cyber message to me to get off my duff and finally make them, everyone keeps talking about how easy and how tasty they are.

  9. Thanks everyone for the kind comments! I felt a little unoriginal after I saw all the bloggers that chose to make roasted chickpeas this month, but they were delicious and others must have thought so as well!! Happy baking friends!

  10. Hi E.K.R, this is the third chickpea post I saw today!, I am so happy to be with you in SRC, do visit me when you have time
