

SRC: Mushroom & Goat Cheese Bread Pudding

Can you believe its time for another SRC post already? I am so excited about the blog I was assigned this month!!! I honestly had such a hard time deciding what to make and will be making more recipes in the future. I was assigned the blog Fat Girl Trapped in a Skinny Body which is written by Julia from California. Julia seems to be a girl after my own heart because she bakes so many delectable looking desserts (you have to check out her s'more aniversary cake - I can't wait to make it!!!), and she also LOVES goat cheese... so much that she even made goat cheese frozen yogurt! Who woulda thought - it actually looked delicious and I was super tempted to try it out... but I settled for making a savory bread pudding - mushroom and goat cheese bread pudding to be exact.

And it was delish!! What a great recipe - I would definitely make it again, but not before I try out some other recipes from Julia's blog. It was so hard not to join as a follower this month and give myself away! Thanks Julia for posting such amazing recipes and thanks to Amanda & co. at the SRC for hosting this awesome group each month.

On to the recipe!

Mushroom & Goat Cheese Bread Pudding

Minimally adapted from Fat Girl Trapped in a Skinny Body


  • 1 1/2 cups stale bread slices, cut into cubes

  • 1 egg

  • 1/2 cup milk

  • 1 cup chopped mushrooms

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 tbsp minced fresh herbs (I used rosemary and chives)

  • 2 ounces goat cheese

  • salt and pepper

  • proscuitto and additional goat cheese for garnish


  1. Preheat oven to 350F.

  2. In a medium bowl whisk together egg, milk, garlic, fresh herbs, salt and pepper.

  3. Add bread cubes, mushrooms and goat cheese to egg mixture. Stir gently just to incorporate. Pour into two ramekins and let stand for 15 minutes.

  4. Meanwhile, pan fry a couple slices of proscuitto in a pre-heated skillet until crispy. Crumble and reserve for later.

  5. Bake 30-35 minutes until pudding puffs up and custard is set. Remove from oven and cool slightly before serving. Sprinkle with crumbled crispy proscuitto and additional goat cheese.

And thats that! Be prepared to see more recipes from Julia's blog because everything she makes sounds to die for. If you want to learn more about the SRC or join, you can check out the SRC website here.


  1. Yea, another fan of goat cheese!!!!! Glad you liked the bread pudding :)

  2. Savory bread puddings are wonderful! I usually amake mine with onions and spianch, but I'll have to mix in some mushrooms one of these days. My other tip is to use amixture of different breads (white, wheat, corn, etc) -- it helps make the texture interesting.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I adore goat cheese, looks wonderful.

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my Group 'A" ~ SRC recipe this month: Cilantro Lime Chicken

    Cook Lisa Cook

  4. Great this post! So fun to discover new blogs via SRC!!!

  5. This sounds wonderful! I've never made a savory bread pudding before, but I'm book marking this for when the weather cools down. Goat cheese, mushrooms and proscuitto...what a great flavor combination!

  6. I love that you picked savory bread pudding. My husband loves mushrooms. I will have to try this - some with and without mushrooms for me. Looks delicious!

  7. I love the savory take on bread pudding and the goat cheese doesn't hurt either!

  8. Love Julias blog! These savory bread puddings sound out of this world yummy. Great pick for SRC this month!

  9. I have not cooked with goat cheese. This bread pudding looks delish, it would be a good time to try goat cheese.

  10. I've never heard of a savory bread pudding before, but it sounds wonderful.

  11. This is an awesome post... I have never even thought of making a savoury bread pudding before! Love the flavours in this one!

  12. A savory bread pudding. I never would have thought of mixing garlic and goat cheese into a bread pudding but it looks like it works very well. That looks so good.

  13. Thanks to all of you for your kind comments!! I had so much fun participating in SRC this month and absolutely adore Julia's blog. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  14. This is one savory bread pudding I could not resist. I love the mushrooms and cheese in it. Beautiful and so creative!

  15. Sounds delicious! And pretty easy!

  16. Love goat cheese and also your pick from Julias blog. A savoury bread pudding is right up my street! Love the way SRC is shaping up!

  17. Oh, how neat! I've never heard of savory bread pudding. I've never been a fan of sweet ones but I bet I'd like this!

  18. Such a creative recipe for bread pudding!
    Stopping by from SRC Group C. Awesome to be in the Secret Recipe Club with you. Here is my post for September :)
    Also, I would love if you added this and any other links to my "Happy Post" today.
