

Gourmet Guacamole

Alright, alright! I've been a bad blogger once again this week. This busy life just doesn't jive with getting a few posts done on crazy weeknights when I should be studying for my upcoming exam or walking the dog with hubby, or cleaning up the house... the list goes on and on!! Oh well, such is life right? I'll get around here while I can over the next two weeks, so please bear with me.

Last night my sister and I attended a fantastic cooking class called Hello Cupcake! at Well Seasoned in Langley. The class was taught by pastry chef Tina Bacon of the Pink Spatula and boy was she ever incredible. I learned so much that I'm going to share a separate post with you so that I can give the course the attention it deserves. Stay tuned for that... I'm hoping to get it posted some time this weekend.

For now, we'll talk about guacamole - simple, delicious and fresh - to me it screams summer. Topped with some vibrant radishes (or whatever you have on hand) it is absolutely delicious. I found this recipe just by doing a random google search for gourmet guacamole and I adapted it a bit to my taste. Guacamole is one of those things that you can put in what you like, omit what you don't and just mix it up and it will always be delicious! Two staple ingredients for me when making guacamole (other than the avocados of course) are lime juice and kosher salt. Even just those two ingredients, mixed with avocado results in a delicious yummy appetizer dip that you can whip up in minutes.

Gourmet Guacamole

Recipe adapted from


  • two ripe avocados, mashed with a fork

  • a couple tsp of mayonnaise (to desired level of creaminess - I only used two)

  • one garlic clove, minced

  • fresh cilantro, finely chopped

  • one jalepeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped

  • 1 tsp ground cumin

  • kosher salt to taste

  • lime juice (add until dip reaches desired consistency)

  • black pepper to taste

  • contrasting coloured veggies for garnish and dipping


  1. This is so easy I probably don't even need to explain! Combine all ingredients in medium sized bowl. Stir until smooth and combined. Chill until ready to serve.

  2. Serve with fresh veggies (if you're feeling virtuous) or tortilla chips.

Nothing much else going on around here... I have to get my act together and finish up my post for the June Daring Bakers Challenge - check back on the 27th to find out what we dared to bake this month!

Other than that, have a wonderful Friday tomorrow friends. I am stuck in a course all weekend to further my accounting education... so its not looking like the most exciting weekend. I will have to live vicariously through you! What are you doing for excitement this weekend?

Happy Cooking my Friends!

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