

A Long Overdue Wine Suggestion

I tried this wine about a month ago and haven't had a chance to post about it yet. I figured since it has been so long since I last suggested some wine that this would be a great opportunity. White wine is a great spring drink because its so refreshing. This wine is a 2006 Chardonnay called What cha ma call it. This is a California wine that is really easy to drink and also very affordable to buy.

According to the Wine Diva this wine has "caramel, pineapple and pear aromas with mineral, oak spice and citrus notes. Toasty flavours, light spice citrus, and tropical flavours vanillin oak, crisp yet rounded on the palate with a fresh finish..."

All formal tasting notes aside, this is a great wine that will provide an excellent bang for the buck at $12-13 CAD per bottle. Give it a try and be sure to serve it well chilled. You won't be disappointed.

I hope you've all had a wonderful Mothers' Day weekend. :) I wish my Mom could have stayed long enough so we could have celebrated with her, but she will be back next month for another visit, so perhaps we can have a belated celebration then.

Have a great week! Cheers!


  1. I want to get this wine but Joeys and Earl's Restaurants won't say where to get it and the LCC does not know.

    Manitoba Canada

  2. This wine is a bit difficult to find information on isn't it?! I just did a google search and didn't come up with much. I found this wine at a wine store near my house (in South Surrey, BC) called Everything Wine.

    Doesn't look like they have any stores near you, but perhaps you can order online? Hope this helps!! :)
