

Go Canucks Go!!!!!

I work in an office full of people who LOVE hockey! There is always a lot of talk about our local hockey team the Vancouver Canucks and that talk has definitely increased since they have been doing so well in the playoffs this year. My friend D & I made these cupcakes in celebration of our team making it into the 3rd round of the playoffs. I am not going to post recipes because these are just easy and basic recipes, but I really wanted to share pictures with all of you because we are so proud of how great these cupcakes turned out!

Lots of chocolate cupcakes... and just as many white cupcakes too!! Maybe a little overkill?? I think not!!

D's handy piping skills: White chocolate hockey sticks & Go Canucks Go lettering. Looked great on top of the cupcakes!!

Icing so blue it matched D's blue bowl!! Hellooooooo food colouring.

Iced cupcakes ready to finish off with edible glitter & hockey sticks and little puck candies.

Cupcakes in their cupcake carriers before we put the finishing touches on them.

All decorated up and ready to go!

At the office, arranged all pretty in the lunchroom.

Can you believe how many cupcakes we made?! They were pretty delicious if I do say so myself!! :)

Now I guess we'll have to come up with something even better to celebrate our team making it to the Stanley Cup Finals!!!


p.s. Happy Baking my Friends!

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