

Amazing Cupcake Icing!

Woooohoooo for a long weekend! Happy Easter to all of you. I was looking back over my blog posts the last couple of weeks and realized I haven't posted many sweets lately... I've just been posting a lot about my cooking escapades. So here is a little something to satisfy your sweet tooth! I made these cute cupcakes a few weeks ago for treat day at our office. The cupcakes, particularly the icing on the cupcakes received rave reviews! I wasn't entirely impressed with the cupcakes themselves; I found them to be a little too eggy. But the icing, well that was another story! This is by far the most delicious and perfect tasting icing I've ever made. If you have a better recipe, please send it my way, but until then, I dub this the best icing recipe ever!

Very Vanilla Icing
Recipe adapted from Anna Olson's cookbook Fresh


  • 4 oz cream cheese, at room temperature

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature

  • 3 cups icing sugar, sifted

  • seeds from one vanilla bean

  • 1-2 tbsp milk

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Using a stand mixer, beat the cream cheese and butter until fluffy and smooth. On low speed, add the icing sugar, 1 cup at a time until blended. Beat in the vanilla bean seeds and the vanilla extract. Add the milk one 1 tbsp at a time until the desired consistency is achieved. Colour the icing as desired. Ice cupcakes liberally wth icing.

I hope you enjoy this icing a lot! Tint it with an Easter hue and serve it to your guests this weekend (not by its self, though you will be tempted... please put it on some cupcakes!!).

Happy Baking my Friends!

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