

Blackberry Avocado Salad

This has been a really eventful week for most people around the world. Sad and scary with the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan and the tsunami that hit other areas after rippling out from Japan. My heart goes out to the many people affected by this horrible tragedy - those living in Japan and those with family and friends in Japan. What a scary and stressful time for them. I am really touched the by the aid and fundraising efforts that started so quickly and will continue to provide support to Japan when they need it the most. The devastation and wreckage there is absolutely unreal, looking at photos and video footage makes it all the more real and all the more unnerving. My thoughts and prayers go out to those in need and those who are worried about their friends and family who may have been lost in the wreckage.

In light of the seriousness and stressfulness of the week, I thought sharing a simple and light salad with you would be fitting. As many of you are likely consumed with worry and sadness, this salad is quick to whip up, and will provide you with much needed nourishment to keep you strong and on top of things. This salad is delicious and definitely has a spring feel to it.
Blackberry Avocado Salad
Recipe from Anna Olson

  • 8 cups arugula or other mixed baby greens
  • 1 ripe (but not too soft) avocado, sliced
  • 1 pint of fresh blackberries
  • 1/2 cup feta
  • juice of 1 lime
  • good quality extra virgin olive oil
  • kosher salt
  • fresh ground black pepper


  1. Wash and dry lettuce and place in a pretty bowl. Fan out the sliced avocado artfully on top of the greens and sprinkle with the blackberries and crumble the feta on top. Juice the lime over the salad, sprinkling evenly with the lime juice. Drizzle lightly with the olive oil and season to taste with salt and pepper.

I told you it was easy! And it tastes amazing - the fresh flavours really come out and the lime juice keeps the avocado from turning brown. You will love this salad and hopefully it's simplicity brings a little joy to your life in such a sad and trying time.

To all of you affected by this horrible tradgedy, my thoughts and prayers are with you. May you find your loved ones and feel a sense of peace in such a tough time.

Happy Cooking my Friends! Hugs to you all.

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